APEC CEO Summit closed at the Esplanade

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Beautiful Singapore

The APEC CEO Summit 2009 held a grand closing dinner at the Esplanade on the evening of November 14, 2009. The Esplanade as Singapore's iconic architecture has witnessed many important historical events to date. Tonight, she once again became the focus to receive APEC leaders and business leaders from 21 APEC member economies. At 8 o’clock p.m., APEC leaders, wearing the customary leaders' attire, came to attend Singapore Evening by local pedicabs, which promoted the evening atmosphere to climax.

The delegates of China APEC Development Sub-delegation also attended and were intoxicated by the magnificent evening after the meeting. In this summit, besides the traditional topics like the global financial crisis, the topic "China’s role in the recovery of the world economy” became an important issue, while President Hu Jintao’s speech also became one of the highlights of the summit. It marks that China is playing a much more significant role at APEC stage. As the summit closed, delegates were back to home one after another, and they said that they would study seriously and understand deeply the spirit of the summit in order to better guide their business activities.

It is reported that next year's APEC meeting will be held in Yokohama, Japan. Since now, APEC’s banner has been formally transferred to Japan. With the constantly changing global economic trends, "Japan's APEC year" is more eagerly awaited.

Reported by China APEC Development Council