Profile of APEC Economic Development Report

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Asia-Pacific Economic Development Report is an academic annual sponsored by ASCNK and supported by the International Division of Minstry of Foreign Affairs, International Division of Ministry of Commerce. Its goal is to describe and analyze the current events, characteristics, trends of the APEC and its member economies in order to provide documents, materials and statistics for Chinese readers to learn about the development of economic and regional economic intergration in Asia-Pacific Region. This publication integrates continus and prospective study, academic survey and policy research as a whole.

Meanwhile, the writers in general are of the specialists, scholars and practitioners working on APEC studies or involving in the related activities. The journal combines the theoretical research with countermeasure exploration. It has been a collection of the latest achievements on APEC studies, and also a corpus of the economic statistical data covering all the 21 APEC member economies as well as the important documents and reports of official APEC meetings in the year. The journal has been placed in the list of CSSCI’s (abbrev. for Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index) databank for its high quality and reputation.

Since 1998, Asia-Pacific Economic Development Report is published by the Publishing House of Nankai University. Up to now, it has been published for 11 years. The total number of words for each journal is about 400,000, consisting of about 30 artciles and various advance materials. Its main sections includes important topics in the APEC process, new progress in various fields of APEC, APEC meeting material select and the main economic indicator statistics, etc.